Monday, 30 March 2009

More training days and the start of the season.

For a while I felt a bit like deflated tyre.... It seems that the fun was out of Agility somehow and motivation was difficult.

Now I had 3 training days and it seems things don't look so doom and gloom anymore.

The last training day was with David Munnings. I had Luke in the morning class and Max in the afternoon class.
I enjoyed both classes, though strange enough it seems that Luke went totally flat after about half the time. It seems when he has a walk in the morning he is less ready to work or too tired to work, which is surprising, as he seems to be able to run for hours...

But with Luke and Agility it is still early days. I wanted to enter him in some Any Size classes this season, but might change my mind now, as he didn't work very well on the Saturday. But as I said, early days.

Compared to that, it really is a joy to work with Max, very responsive, very eager, very bright. Not saying Luke is not, but he always seem to have his own agenda and sometimes doing fun stuff for himself (like sniffing the ground) takes over. If I didn't know better I'd think he is a Spaniel or Sprollie.

But back to Max. We worked on turns, distance control and contacts. And I was very happy to see that Max can easily keep up with the higher Grade dogs, the problem really is myself as I m lacking the experience of a higher grade handler.

But it gave me a good confidence boost to see him working so well.
I got a few ideas how to improve his contacts and of course to think more about my handling. Not sure I will succeed with that though :-/

On Sunday I had my first ever judging appointment at the Waverunners UKA show. I was soooooo nervous. Saw myself eliminating people who went clear, because I forgot the course. Needless to say I didn't get much sleep at night.

When we arrived, the course was already set up (lucky me) and it just needed a bit straightening up.
I had a rather nice ring manager who was very helpful.

My children were stars as well, my daughter scrimed and the boys were doing other jobs at the ring. Helping tirelessly.

Judging was great fun as it gave me a good opportunity to watch other people run their dogs and watch their handling.

I think it all went very well (though weird when you have to judge your trainer :-O ) I didn't get any complains and looking at the dogs, they seemed to have enjoyed themselves.

At the end of the day my feet, back and legs were aching and I was very tired and happy to go home. I got a lovely judges gift from Renee, thanks :)

My dogs though were glad when the day were over an they could have a run around and enjoy themselves too. Poor dogs being stuck in the car all day.

I booked quite a few shows and hope the weather will be kind this year and Max and I will manage to work together and improve our relationship.
Now I am looking forward to the season and to all the shows I booked....