Monday, 7 July 2008

Dog's hospital

With Luke on the mend things started looking better. Then last Saturday Max started retching. First I thought something was stuck in his throat, but after a while I realised it must be something else. I looked up kennel cough on the internet and all the symptoms did fit.
Unfortunately I had 2 shows that weekend which I then forgot about :(
Instead I went to a sheepdog trail on Saturday. It was very relaxing to watch and made me realise how difficult it is.
If I ever get that far with Luke, I am not sure we will be any good. It seems so complicated. On the other hand, why worry now, as he doesn't even stop on sheep or does anything in a controlled fashion ;-)

Max is better now, his cough is gone. I gave him Wiccaweys kennel cough remedy and it helped a great deal. Unfortunately all the other dogs came down with kennel cough heavily. Especially Nina and Larkin. They are still coughing.
So no Agility training for us at the moment.

Luke change is amazing. I don't know if it is because he feels better now or if it has to do with the sheepdog training, but his recall improved, he is much more responsive in general, very bright and very very lively ;-)

He looks much better too. Shiney coat and bright eyes....

This week I am off to see Sarah again. I will take some of the other dogs too and try them on sheep.
Then next week I go together with Mary. We share the journey, which will help with petrol. Especially with ever rising petrol prices :(

I have entered Pembroke show now, but actually sent the entries off too late. Not sure they will accept them.
I was wondering if the kids and I could go to Scotland instead. Always wanted to go up there, but it is a pretty long drive...
We shall see.

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