Friday 14 December 2007


Hi fans,

I went to another Agility lesson. Last time it was so wet that I didn't feel like doing much. Yesterday it was too cold.
I decided I don't want to work and even the nicest treats didn't work. I just turned my nose on them.
Then we moved indoors, well, that was different. I happily did all I was asked. Was actually fun. Then they had the strange idea to go outside again. STupid people, it was TOO cold!
So I thought I better stay at the gate and tell them I want to leave. Too bad they didn't give in to me and made me work again. HUMANS! What can you say???
Nevertheless I was lucky and could go home soon afterwards and curl up on MY sofa.

In the evening my mum asked to do the same things again we tried to do in the morning and guess what, I was happy to do them (I was very hungry by then, I have to admit)

This evening my mummy was mean and didn't let me go upstairs with her...
Oh well, I started singing a bit in the night, but gave up when nobody came to comfort me.... Silly people.

Lots of Love


Hi folks, (this is Max again)

well, I don't know what she is going on about. How can you not want to do anything? Silly sausage.

I went to classes yesterday and had loooooots of fun.
We did run around, jumping and in general all the things I like to do. My mum now wants to take me to a "sort of" Agility show at our club. I am already very excited and can't stop jumping up and down.
Nina doesn't know what she is missing out on. Well, she is a girl, what do you expect!

I am really looking forward to Sunday now.


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